Christmas was still to come then…

Yes I said that I would present the final version of this painting, but I have decided to keep a few in bank in case of I found myself as usual short of time to do my things…so at that point I was feeling a bit of relentlessness with this painting, not always a good thing but for this painting, I think it is doing some good, and besides I like so much painting their hair, dresses, boots and trying to get their faces of my two Cindy’s, I guess passion, almost love is what I feel for this   painting, or I could have wrote them, but I have to remember it is just a picture, which I do hope will become a well made painting…:)

415-63 Cindy Crawford double... Huile sur acrylique, Oil on acrylic,20x30 po, 50x70 cm 2014-12-14

415-63 Cindy Crawford double… Huile sur acrylique, Oil on acrylic,20×30 po, 50×70 cm 2014-12-14

Bon j’avais écrit que je présenterais la version finale du tableau des deux Cindys…un mensonge pieux,,,je vais scinder la fin en deux ou trois articles, selon mon manque de temps plus ou moins prononcé…donc à ce moment là je me demandais si c’était un peu d’acharnement? oui possible, mais je crois que dans ce cas-ci c’est bénéfique…et j’aime tellement peindre leurs cheveux, visages, robes et bottes de mes deux Cindys…passion frôlant l’amour, enfin en n’oubliant pas que ce n’est qu’une image, qui je l’espère fera un tableau des plus réussi…:)

Le diaporama et la photo / the slideshow and the models photo

Cindy Crawford 009

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