An addition to 2013…

While I’m working on another in progress work, time to to some clean-up into this section, and move the finished ones to the 2013 new works page…you will recognize this painting, I think and a video making of style.

En attendant de présenter la dernière toile que je travaille actuellement, temps de faire du ménage dans la section ‘en cours’ et de faire un petit montage vidéo des étapes de cette toile, que vous reconnaîtrez sûrement….

412-19 Modèle aux gants Huile, 22×28 po (55×70 cm) 2013-01-11

A tough one…going the right way…I think.

Yes still struggling with this painting, this model sometimes is smiling, sometimes more like pondering what’s going on, and a bit worry, and sometimes everything just went off, so lot of corrections, but now I think it is finally on his way, I’m putting here the newest and the previous version to have a better idea of it, of course I cannot recommend enough to click on the picture to be taken where no man, or woman, has been before…okay sounds a bit too much like StarTrek…let just simply say it will take you to this painting page, and there you can look to all the steps, good, not so good, and erything else….

Toujours aux prises avec ce modèle qui parfois sourit, parfois semble bien songeuse, et plus triste, sans compter les fois où tout a été de travers et tout est tout croche…oui parfois un tableau donne plus que sa part de fil à retordre…mais là, je crois qu’il a pris le bon chemin…la version nouvelle et l’ancienne pour comparer, évidemment je ne peux que vous recommander de cliquer sur la photo et de voyager dans le cyberespace…(désolé je n’ai pas de musique pour donner l’effet…vous devez l’imaginer) et atteindre la page du tableau où toutes les versions, bonnes, moins bonnes, errances sont gardées..

400-41 Huile sur acrylique 20×28 Modèle pensive ou souriante? 2013-01-12

400-40 Huile sur acrylique 20×28 Modèle pensive ou souriante? 2012-09-29

Et j’allais oublier…j’ai aussi une autre version du tableau du modèle et de ses nombreux gants….presque fini….
And also, why not showing the latest version of this painting of a model and her numerous gloves…it is almost done….

412-19 Modèle aux gants Huile, 22×28 po (55×70 cm) 2013-01-11

It is a bit cold here, time to put on gloves…

And it is probably, what this unknowned model was telling herself, although I think it is more likely that it was the idea of this pub’s artistic director….and she’s not sure what color they should be….so a few more versions of this oil painting, it is going pretty well…

Et c’est ce que ce modèle, dont j’ignore le nom, s’est probablement dit, en fait c’est probablement le directeur artistique de la pub qui en a décidé ainsi; et elle ne sait toujours pas quelle paire elle portera…..quelques versions de ce tableau qui progresse assez bien…

412-17 Modèle aux gants Huile, 22×28 po (55×70 cm) 2013-01-09

412-18 Modèle aux gants Huile, 22×28 po (55×70 cm) 2013-01-10

These eyes…and her gloves…

Paint this beautiful model with incredible eyes, and many gloves, still under her charm and the charm of oil painting, seems to me that it is kind of a rediscovery these days…hard to explain, so here’s the photo…

Peint ce joli modèle aux gants, et aux yeux si extraordinaires…que j’essaie de rendre du mieux que je peux…donc un peu d’huile ce soir, je suis toujours sous le charme de ce modèle, ses yeux et l’huile, que j’ai l’impression de redécouvrir…la photo…

412-16 Modèle aux gants Huile, 22×28 po (55×70 cm) 2012-09-26

Gloves, Textures and Color…

A model with gloves, color, texture, folds…I think I’ve said before that I do like painting from fashion, playing with colors, clothes, folds and textures, but for a rare occasion….no boots….:)

Un modèle…avec des gants, de la couleur, des textures, des plis…pense que j’ai déjà mentionné que j’aime peindre les top modèles, et aussi jouer avec les couleurs et les plis et textures des vêtements…exceptionnellement, pas de bottes….:)

412-15 Modèle aux gants Huile, 22×28 po (55×70 cm) 2012-08-06

Absent…and model wearing numerous gloves…

Not much painting done last few days, many reasons, the main one being my computer acting up…a new one is on the way….hope it will last until the cavalry arrived….:), and also been busy to others things, and today was back to work after a week holidays that went like one day…and today’.s workday seems to me like it was a whole week…so painting speaking, here’s the latest two versions of this model with so many gloves and two beautiful eyes, the beauty of those I wish I will be able to capture on this painting…will have to see about that…

Pas bien là ces derniers jours, toutes sortes de petites choses qui contreviennent, entre autre mon ordi…un nouveau est en route, espérons que celui ci se rende jusqu,au bout….:), il se fait déjà un peu tard, la semaine de vacances m’a semblé bien courte, comme une journée qui passe trop vite, alors que la journée de travail aujourd’hui m’a semblé durer une semaine…donc en attendant voici les deux dernières versions de ce modèle aux nombreux gants et aux yeux, si beaux, dont j’espère réussir à capter la beauté…

412-13 Modèle aux gants Huile, 22×28 po (55×70 cm) 2012-05-25

412-14 Modèle aux gants Huile, 22×28 po (55×70 cm) 2012-05-26

A New Obsession?

Yes, the ‘regulars’ to my painting blogs probably did notice that I do like to paint models wearing boots….:), but sometimes it is good to look for another theme, or obsession…:)), but no I still love to paint those models, so maybe just adding a new one…models with gloves….:)))

412-12 Modèle aux gants, Huile, 22x28 po (55x70 cm), 2012-04-10


Ah mondays…tough

tough going back to work, real work…the one that most of people do and crave for that quitting time, ok at least me….As I wrote on my french site, thanks to the people, who are getting more numerous to visit and ‘like’ my paintings, we paint for ourselves, but the selve feel much better when poeple show appreciation, thanks again to all.

I started modifying my french site, pages will be added in time for individual work, it will be a long processus though.., more details in the next few days…hopefully.

As for tonight did at least some painting, left the two Cindys, needed a break, and work on an oil painting, maybe switching from acrylic to oil did me some good, I think this one is coming along very nice, so the picture and the link to Flickr, if you want to look at the previous stages..

412-11 Modèle aux gants Huile, 22x28 po (55x70 cm) 2012-02-27

No boots..but

gloves…for a change, reworked my most recent painting, more of a portrait, actually it was used to advertise gloves…I guess it is almost obvious when you look at the picture; also maybe I should have switched to this painting over last week-end, instead of trying to work on Liz’s painting, which was kind of ‘stucked’…

I keep a fair amount of canvas in progress, telling myself I will move to another when I feel that I’m going nowhere with one…I guess I also forget more than often to do that…anyway here the last version of this painting, the rest and previous version are on my site, just click on the pic and you should be taken there..don’t worry, there is always the back button…so you wont stay there forever…:)

412-10 Modèle aux gants Huile, 22x28 po (55x70 cm) 2012-01-09