Absent…and model wearing numerous gloves…

Not much painting done last few days, many reasons, the main one being my computer acting up…a new one is on the way….hope it will last until the cavalry arrived….:), and also been busy to others things, and today was back to work after a week holidays that went like one day…and today’.s workday seems to me like it was a whole week…so painting speaking, here’s the latest two versions of this model with so many gloves and two beautiful eyes, the beauty of those I wish I will be able to capture on this painting…will have to see about that…

Pas bien là ces derniers jours, toutes sortes de petites choses qui contreviennent, entre autre mon ordi…un nouveau est en route, espérons que celui ci se rende jusqu,au bout….:), il se fait déjà un peu tard, la semaine de vacances m’a semblé bien courte, comme une journée qui passe trop vite, alors que la journée de travail aujourd’hui m’a semblé durer une semaine…donc en attendant voici les deux dernières versions de ce modèle aux nombreux gants et aux yeux, si beaux, dont j’espère réussir à capter la beauté…

412-13 Modèle aux gants Huile, 22×28 po (55×70 cm) 2012-05-25

412-14 Modèle aux gants Huile, 22×28 po (55×70 cm) 2012-05-26

And ‘la suite’…

Not much time for painting today, so here’s the latest versions of this watercolor and ink, it is coming pretty good to my liking, anyway….did also a bit of oil painting on this model wearing gloves, but not much, so update on this one will have to wait…tomorrow…I will try….

Tonight no painting, cut on my drinking, did not have much of a choice, but tonight is one of those, that I will leave myself a bit of leeway…so time for les Foufounes électriques…here in Montréal…

so the latest version and a slideshow, as well as the link to this painting page, 420 – Model wearing a fur coat, animal fur or synthetic can’t say, but no animal were harmed in this work, except maybe a few hair for the brushes, can’t say for the coat…

420-06 Inconnue au manteau de fourrure Aquarelle et encre, 22×30 po, 55×76 cm 2012-05-23

And the slideshow

Off the comfort zone…

Once in a while, I do feel the need to get out of the well knowned to me trail of painting or drawing, the way I do usually, sometimes I will use collage to do that, not this time, I went for ink and watercolor.

Besides, the model photo is not a very high quality one, in fact a cut out of a newspaper, small black and white add, poor quality, so the temptation to copy too much the photograph will not be there, at least not to strong, difficult to copy what you don’t see well…:), the photo, a bit reworked in photoshop.

I do like ink and watercolor, but more for sketching, and also the aspect of pasting the paper, and you can see that yes it is a little ‘butched’…:) no patience for this, or not enough knowledge….., preparing the sketch is not one of my favorite aspect, I like to start quick and more than often without sketching, correcting afterward in the following stages…so not much preparation for me, except usually for the photograph I’m using. Besides, I don’t like working on the flat, so often I do work watercolor and ink on the easel….trying to be careful about drippings…but this time I felt I did need a pencil sketch before…also decided to flip the image, in another version in photoshop…can’t quite remember why…:))

420-01 Inconnue au manteau de fourrure Aquarelle et encre, 22×30 po, 55×76 cm 2012-05-23

And there you have the first two steps, just a bit of watercolor and a few lines drawned in ink, the rest later today or early tomorrow, in fact it is already a bit more advanced

, just waiting to have more to show…

420-02 Inconnue au manteau de fourrure Aquarelle et encre, 22×30 po, 55×76 cm 2012-05-23

420-03 Inconnue au manteau de fourrure Aquarelle et encre, 22×30 po, 55×76 cm 2012-05-23

But already, I must say that I do like the feel of it, even if like I said I don’t work often in these mediums, most of the time I like the free flowing aspect of it, even if my tendancy to add details must be kind of swept away for a while….

A little test…

A little test, with Picasa to make a small video, it is quick and saved in .wmv, small file size, imported in Flickr and then here…it is much less work than I used to have to do…that’s a good thing

Un petit test, avec Picasa pour faire un petit vidéo, assez rapide et sauve en .wmv, importé dans Flickr, beaucoup moins de travail que ce que je faisais jusqu’ici….bonne affaire…:)

A painting from last year, link to 410
Un vieux tableau de 2011, modèle pensive dans un parc...tableau 410


Serais-je capable de terminer une autre, presque la dernière, sinon la plus ‘durable’, des interminables, ces tableaux commencés voilà plus de 8 ans…en fait 9 dans le cas de celle-ci….obstination ou tout simplement folie, ou plutôt une autre de ces toiles où j’ai peins l’équivalent de 3 ou 4 tableaux, mais sur la même toile…au moins il me reste les photos de certaines de ces versions qui auraient bien pu être un tableau fini, quoique même là j’en ai perdu plusieurs de ces photos, les ordinateurs ça peut ‘crasher’, et lorsqu’on ne fait pas toujours des sauvegardes…on perd…bon, donc de retour à cette dernière version, retravaillée au cours des deux derniers jours, pas à temps plein…faisait beau, donc passé du temps à me battre à installer un climatiseur et autres choses….parfois mes amis réussissent à sortir l’ours de sa tanière, ou le peintre de son atelier….

Donc voici les deux dernières versions de Lonneke, commence à me dire que je pourrais faire des tableaux abstrait, je m’amuse avec les fonds…mais il me faut encore un ou des modèles, mais qui parfois pourraient être plus fugitives, comme des ombres..enfin on verra…dans les prochains tableaux…

Another one of those long worked on canvas finished? don’t know yet, I’m working on one of those works that have been going for so long, 9 years for this one…went to so many changes, I’m either too obstinate or maybe just plain crazy, I guess along the changing that occur over a long period of time, my way of painting has changed, I could have done 3 or 4 painting with this one, the only problem is that these paintings are all on the same canvas…well still have a few pics left…lost quite a few although…computer crash and bad back-up habits…So back to these latest versions, done over the week-end and today…long week-end here, hot, so I wasn’t working full time on it…installing air conditionner, or battling would be more the case…and getting out to see friends, yes sometimes they succeed in getting that grumpy bear out of his den, or the painter out of his atelier….

worked on lot on the background which is becoming more abstract, besides the model multiplying, but that was already done, so maybe that should be something to explore eventually, abstract painting, but I feel I do need a model, so maybe just getting the shape, well will see in the future…

la version faite au cours de la fin-de-semaine… ainsi que celle du mois passé….
so here’s the version over the week-end, and the previous, last month…

325-61 Lonneke Engel 18×24 po (45×61 cm) 2012-04-09

325-62 Lonneke Engel 18×24 po (45×61 cm) 2012-05-20

Et je pensais bien pouvoir la terminer…ce sera pour la prochaine, trop de petites choses encore et qui se font mieux lorsque le tableau est sec…enfin on verra demain, je pourrais penser différemment, donc la version de ce soir…

And I thought that it could be finished, but it will be for a next time, too many things, little things, to add or improve, but I think they have to wait for a dry painting…unless tomorrow I would thing otherwise…alway possible, so tonight’s version

325-63 Lonneke Engel 18×24 po (45×61 cm) 2012-05-22

New and Old…The End/ancien et nouveau…la fin

Belle fin-de-semaine, ensoleillé chaude….que j’ai passé en grande partie dans mon atelier, installé le climatiseur, outil essentiel pour le peintre plus adapté au froid qu’au chaud, que je suis….:) bon voilà pour la météo, maintenant voici la version finale de ce tableau, un autre de cette série de tableaux commencé voilà bien des années, donc méthodes différentes, médiums différents, dont du Liquin….qui pour moi n’a pas donné de bons résultats….la surface de ces tableaux étaient devenus tellement collante, ‘tacky’ en anglais….et extrêmement difficile à travailler, faut dire aussi que je les avais commencé à l’acrylique, et comme au cours des années, ma manière de peindre a changé un peu, et qu’en vieillissant, heu en avançant dans ma ‘carrière’….je suis devenu plus sensible au bon placement des éléments, avant je passais outre plusieurs erreurs de dessin, maintenant je le fais moins ou pas du tout…ce qui parfois coûte…en terme d’heures passées à corriger, et dans certains cas, amene une perte quant à la spontanéité du tableau…bon voilà pour le chapitre ‘histoire de l’art…enfin celle qui s’applique à moi…:), donc voilà les deux dernières versions, avant-hier et hier soir, enfin sur le coup de minuit aujourd’hui…ah minuit pour l’ajout de dramatique à cette signature…:) évidemment j’aurais pu la travailler encore des heures cette toile….

Beautiful week-end so far, hot, getting humid, sunny…week-end largely spent in my atelier….and installing my air cooler unit, essential tool for the more adapted to cooler temperature artist that I am, hot and humid would mean to me, no painting done….so there’s meteo wise part of this post…now finally got to the end of this painting, one of the few painting serie started many years ago, begun in acrylic, then tried other mediums, like liquin…did not work well for me, the canvas became so tacky, close to being unworkable…and many drawings errors, or plainly changing subject, some of these works span more than 7 years, a painter is getting older…oops more experienced…:) and ways of working change, earlier I would have preferred leaving drawing mistakes, or did not see them, than today, where I will often correct small errors, sometimes it is improving the painting, other times I almost lost them, and got them back…but the cost in hours is high and often a lost of spontaneity, so here’s for the art history aspect, at least my art history…:)

But this one I think is almost where I want it to be, of course I could have went again for hours, days…but I thought it was time to sign it….almost on midnight strike today…there’s for the ‘drama’….:)

Samedi soir tard….Saturday night, not live…but late….en fait dimanche matin tôt…in fact sunday morning very early…

365-49 Modèle, Vienne et reflets anciens dans le nouveau…huile sur acryl 22×28(55×70) 2012-05-19

Et vers minuit, en fait minuit plus une…dong, dong, dong….. It was a bit more than midnight, maybe one or two minutes…..dong dong dong…:)
Ouais faut dire qu’avec les horloges numériques et autres, ce n’est plus la même chose….:))
yeah I must say that with internet and electronic clock…no more sound effect…:))

365-50 Modèle, Vienne et reflets anciens dans le nouveau…huile sur acryl 22×28(55×70) 2012-05-20

Old and new…

Retour vers une vieille toile en cours, une vieille toile, avec un vieux bâtiment, qui est reflété dans un nouveau, justement rendu à remettre en place la façade vitrée de ce bâtiment, qui avait disparu, parce que je n’aimais pas ce que j’avais fait du vieux bâtiment, enfin là je crois que je suis en vue de la fin de ce tableau….encore du travail, un peu partout, mais de la finition, surtout sur le modèle, qui n’est pas encore tout-à-fait à mon goût…mais cela ce n’est rien d’inhabituel, ce tableau sera fini, mais probablement pas le modèle, mes modèles, je pourrais les travailler à l’Infini, mais c’est définitivement trop long…:)

Back to an old in progress painting, less older than the old building reflected by the new one…that’s where I am know, getting to put back the glass wall, that was removed because I did not like what I had done before with the older one, so I guess I can say that I’m getting really close to finish it, still work to do on the model, not quite as I want her to look…no surprise there, I can work on her and all the others in my paintings for a long time, close to infinity…but that would be way to long…so this painting will be finished but probably not the model, it will be one version of the numerous ones that I could have paint…..

365-48 Modèle, Vienne et reflets anciens dans le nouveau…huile sur acryl 22×28(55×70) 2012-05-18

Still with Cindy…

Semble que je ne peux passer à une autre toile…presque qu’obnibulé que je suis par ce tableau…faut dire que, cette fois-ci, je me plais à peindre à l’acrylique, donc je continue à ‘pousser’ cette toile un peu plus loin, oui il y a toujours un risque, d’aller trop loin…mais faut les prendre ces risques, et comme pour le moment, je m’amuse…aussi bien en profiter. Finalement, je commence à me dire qu’un jour je saurai quoi faire des mes tubes acryliques…:)

Seems like I just can’t move to another painting….I guess sometimes you are too much into one work, you just don’t feel like letting it rest….this time I guess I’m enjoying the way acrylic paint is handling on this painting, not always the case…:), so may as well dwell on this good feeling… Finally, I start telling myself that one day, I will feel really comfortable working in acrylics…

415-13 Cindy Crawford double… Acrylique, 20×30 po, 50×70 cm 2012-05-17

Update on Work in progress page and ….

Added a page for an in progress painting, and updated the in progress page, the one of a model wearing boots…you know the one I’m sure….:) ok the one standing in front of a modern building reflection a much older one, older than me…365 Old Mirrorred…yes title is definitely something that undergoes as much change with my works than the painting itself….

I’m still working on the two Cindy,s, but I’m not sure I will have anything to show, and the one above is the ‘next in line’….the new version probably tomorrow or friday…

Also, I guess many of you already know it, I do have my own site and a french one on wordpress also, I did started this one and I thought it was a good idea to keep my french site, french only and my english site english only, but when I write on my jmr-art site, all posts are bilingual so I was thinking that maybe I should just maintain one site on wordpress, and everything would be bilingual, which would mean for me less work, less duplicating pages and everything else and an easier way to keep everything up to date.

So what do you think? I would like to have your thoughts on that, anyhow I will continue working on this site for awhile, but eventually I do have to think about a way to spent less time updating all my sites and more on painting…:)