A day off….

Or almost, again my landlord, not of me of course, but of my appartment, has decided yesterday that tomorrow there would be a visit by some people, don’t quite know why, apparently to evalue the possibility of getting funding for renovations or something like that, anyway that is not the important part, but my place is still upside down, it is kind of a permanent state, so I had to switch my day off, friday, for today, and try to clean up a bit the place, at the same time I could also try to decide if some painting are done, Sophie’s is still in debate, the jury, me and my others me….are divided…the ones that want to move quickly, do more new things, say that it is finish, the other side, the perfectionnist, for whom a painting is almost never finished do want to keep working on it for a few hours at least…

Enfin presque, encore une fois, le proprio de l’appart a organisé une visite demain, je l’ai su hier, comme l’état de la place est toujours un peu sans dessus dessous….j’ai donc changé mon vendredi de congé pour un mercredi, pas de fin-de-semaine de trois jours, mais je peux me dire que ce sont deux semaines courtes, 2 jours, de travail….question d’interprétation….comme par exemple décider quand un tableau est terminé, le cas de Sophie est toujours en débat, le jury, composé de moi et de mes multiples personnalités…enfin pour résumer quelques uns disent oui elle est finie on passe à quelque chose d’autres, les autres, les perfectionnistes, veulent continuer….:)

379-48 Sophie Marceau Huile 24×30(61×76) 2012-08-14

And there is another painting, this one of Noëlle Roques, black and red…it did run around my atelier, and finally, yes it is finished, let the white smoke, likewise a new pope is elected, so yes one is finished, so I could start something new…soon…not today alas…

Et il y a un autre tableau, Noëlle qui a fait son tour de l’atelier et le verdict est…la signature reste….donc oui, fumée blanche comme lorsqu’un pape est nommé, elle est bel et bien terminée….:), donc place à une nouvelle, bientôt…mais hélas pas aujourd’hui…

418-18 Noelle en rouge et noir, acrylique, 30×24 po, 76×61 cm, 2012-06-17

Plus tard, dans quelques jours…je vais essayer de faire un court vidéo du making of…

in a few days, hopefully, I will make a short video, making of style…

Two for one, happy hour…

Not many posting over the last days, since tuesday, but this time my brushes, and you can guess me as well, were busy, working on Noëlle, I guess in english the play word with Noëlle and Noël (Christmas) doesn’t work, so if you understand french read it, or not, not to important…:) So, this acrylic painting is finished, signed….so a few versions, stretching from last tuesday to tonight sunday, for an acrylic, I’m pleased, of course could have been better…but I think it is more than ok….also the pastel is finished, did not reworked it, seems that in pastel, I don’t have to much trouble, leaving a painting a bit unfinished, not the same story for painting, especially oil…so here’s the last few versions, of course, some will probably think that one of these version was better…or not, to you to be the judge…:)

Peu de mots depuis les derniers jours, comme lors des dernières semaines, mais au moins mes pinceaux, et forcément moi, ont été actifs…Noëlle est terminée, signée, Noëlle en juin….depuis mardi que je tentais de le terminer, un des avantages de l’acrylique…pas besoin de laisser reposer trop longtemps…et pour un tableau acrylique, je crois qu’il est pas mal…à vous d’en juger…le pastel aussi est terminé, j’ai moins de difficulté à arrêter un pastel, même si parfois il ne me semble pas tout-à-fait fini, l’acrylique et l’huile surtout, c’est une histoire différente…probablement que certains trouveront certaines versions meilleures que la finale…ou non….

418-18 Noelle en rouge et noir, acrylique, 30×24 po, 76×61 cm, 2012-06-17

Le diaporama

et le pastel

I’ll be back…I’M back

Like Arnold in the terminator…who had this beautiful line…’I’ll be back’ well I’m back, at least sort of…still things, many, to do, still waiting for this new computer, so expect a more spotty showing of new stuff or reworked, but at least, I be posting a few things, probably on and off for the next few weeks, one or two, then I’ll probably be back for good…in the meantime, Noelle, the acrylic painting, the pastel will probably be heading for the storage of the finished ones…

Comme Arnold…qui disait ‘I’ll be back’…ben voilà, suis de retour…du moins un peu, encore bien des choses que je dois terminer, attend toujours mon nouvel ordi….je sais que lorsqu’il arrivera, il y aura encore des jours de silence..enfin, voilà pour un retour, un peu timide pour le moment…donc Noelle, le tableau acrylique, le pastel lui, ira probablement rejoindre la liste des ‘terminés’

418-12 Noelle en rouge et noir, acrylique, 30×24 po, 76×61 cm, 2012-06-12

That day, the 15 th, pastel and acrylic on the menu…

As I said yesterday, started with the pastel, even before breakfast, and then move to the acrylic painting, of Noelle, Noelle in french sounds like Noël, Chistmas….sounds like, they do have similarities…both character involved in these two, they like red, black and boots, sounds like but cannot say look like although, so since were not yet to Christmas….pffioouuuu….let’s get back to this painting, so here’s where it was standing 2 days ago….’la suite’ ? tomorrow or thursday, but definitely before Christmas….

418-09 Noelle en rouge et noir, acrylique, 30x24 po, 76x61 cm, 2012-04-15

et le diaporama/and the slideshow

Part 3 – Noelle in red and black

Was still quite impatient and restless last night…not even taking the time to apply a few coats of gesso, on that would be, acrylic painting…instead use some paint leftover from the stay-wet palette, and mixed pale shades of color, sketching roughly the composition…

Noelle en rouge et noir

Noelle en rouge et noir préparation...

Kept pushing the composition a bit further, still with gesso colored by a bit more paint

Noelle en rouge et noir..un peu plus..

Noelle en rouge et noir...au bout d'une heure...

More to come later or tomorrow, because at that point, another idea was emerging from my restless mind….even to me last night, I wasn’t easy to be with…:)))

A tough day…part 2

Took a break, a small, actually a rather long one, working with photoshop, my best friend, okay I should be sketching more, but I found this is quicker…normally all composition problem should be delt with here, but either I don’t plan as much as I should, or I just can’t keep myself from interpretating, it is rarely the case…Anyway back to the model for this next painting…, did like the model’s photo, but I decided I wanted a different composition, focusing just on her legs, boots of course and the red drape….

Noelle Roques

La photo recomposé…the photo recomposed or photoshopé…:)

Noelle Roques rouge et noir 1

So finally that would be the next work of art….but oil, or acrylic, or pastel…and as I said I was quite restless yesterday, pacing the length of my studio appartment, time and time again, going out to take some fresh air and back inside just to get back outside…forth and forth…:)), I guess you cannot wait for part 3….I should do like those film producers and putting a trailer…:)))